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Beacons Community Standards

Trust and safety are major priorities for Beacons. We've created these standards to articulate what is and isn't allowed on our platform.

Please review these standards. All Beacons users must abide by these standards to continue using the Beacons platform.

If you come across any content on a Beacons page that violates these Community Standards, please fill out and complete a Report Violation form.

Adult content

Helping website visitors make informed decisions is incredibly important to us at Beacons. We add informational labels to links that may not be appropriate for visitors of all ages. Specifically, if you're linking out to adult content on your page, you must turn on the sensitive content notice, ensure the content on your page itself are suitable for all ages, and make sure what you are linking to is legal in your region. Please also see the “Prohibited or illegal goods and services” section, which provides list of illegal good and services content that we do not permit and we may suspend your account, even with if you turn on the sensitive content notice.

Hate speech

Diversity of thought is important to us at Beacons, but we do not permit content that discriminates against people, incites hate or violence, or inflicts harm.

Prohibited or illegal goods and services

Beacons does not permit the exchange of or the incitement of exchange of prohibited or illegal goods or services through the platform.

These prohibited or illegal goods and services include:

  • Adoptions
  • Alcohol
  • Body parts
  • Certain sexually oriented materials or services, including, but not limited to, explicit photos, audio, and videos, and adult novelties
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Credit repair and get out of debt opportunities
  • Currency exchanges
  • Driver's license, passports or other identification documents issued by a government agency
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Drugs, including but not limited to, narcotics, cigarettes, steroids, and certain controlled substances
  • Embargoed goods
  • Endangered or protected species or parts of these species
  • Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and other similar sites and services
  • Explosives
  • Fireworks
  • Gambling, including gambling services and products
  • Hazardous materials
  • Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter sites or services
  • Human trafficking
  • Multi-level marketing offers, work-at-home scams and make money online opportunities
  • Payments for the purpose of bribery or corruption
  • Personal information
  • Products or services identified by government agencies to have high likelihood of being fraudulent
  • Products that present a risk to consumer safety, including, but not limited to pharmaceutical products
  • Prostitution
  • Recalled items
  • Regulated living species
  • Stolen items, including digital and virtual goods
  • Tobacco based products
  • Toxic materials
  • Weapons, including but not limited to, ammunition, firearms, and certain firearm parts

Copyrighted content

Preserving intellectual property is important to us. We do not allow the uploading of any content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

Violent content

We have a no tolerance policy for any content featuring violent or disturbing content.


We absolutely do not permit spams or scams. Creators cannot use their pages to engage in any spams or scams.


We prioritize protecting all visitors so we do not permit any form of intimidation, harassment, or bullying.

Child harm

We do not tolerate child harm or any content that endorses child harm in any way. We actively report any cases of possible child harm to relevant national authorities.


We encourage people's journeys through recovery but we do not permit any content that encourages any form of self-harm.


Individual privacy is critically important to us at Beacons, so we do not permit the sharing of any personal identifying information.


We do not allow accounts that pose as another person or entity in a deceptive manner.


We do not allow creators to exchange Beacons usernames for money. If you pick a username, you must do so with the intention of using it.

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Email Marketing

Welcome to Beacons.ai! Our Email Marketing Community Guidelines outlines the obligations you must adhere to when utilizing our email services. This policy applies to you, your organization, end users, and customers. It ensures that all emails sent through Beacons.ai are safe, wanted, and compliant with legal standards.

Prohibited Content

Please don’t use Beacons.ai to distribute anything offensive, to promote anything illegal, or to harass anyone. You may not use Beacons.ai to create, send, display, advertise, or sell (as applicable):

  • Illegal goods or services
  • Emails that violate the CAN-SPAM Act in the U.S. or other anti-spam laws
  • Pornography/sexual content
  • Campaigns promoting or supporting terrorism or violent extremism
  • Counterfeit products or products that infringe the intellectual property rights of others, including trademark, copyright, design, or patent rights
  • Products claiming to prevent, treat, or cure diseases that are not approved or authorized for emergency use by regulatory or public health agencies, such as the FDA in the U.S.

Some industries have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of our platform, we may not allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:

  • Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and other similar sites and services
  • Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter sites or services
  • Adult content
  • Pharmaceutical products
  • Work-at-home scams, make money online schemes, and lead generation opportunities
  • Gambling services or products
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Credit repair and get-out-of-debt opportunities
  • List brokers or list rental services
  • Selling “Likes” or followers for a social media platform
  • Cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, and any digital assets related to an Initial Coin Offering

There may be additional industries, products, and content that we do not allow for select features and functionalities.

Content Subject to Additional Scrutiny

We’ve also found that certain types of content may cause higher-than-average abuse rates. For that reason, we may closely review accounts that offer the following services, products, or content:

  • Online trading, day trading tips, and stock market related content
  • Daily horoscope reports
  • Mortgages and loans
  • Nutritional, herbal, and vitamin supplements
  • Adult entertainment/novelty items
  • Online dating services and applications (dating sites or services with a sexual emphasis or sexually explicit content – including images depicting nudity – are not permitted)
  • Real estate
  • Services that support programmatically sending mail on behalf of third parties without creating or reviewing the content
  • Products in demand due to COVID-19 and regulated by applicable law

If we identify abuse at our sole discretion, we may suspend, throttle, or disable the account or access to the Service.

Prohibited Actions

We work hard to maintain the positive reputation of our platform, but we count on our Members to pitch in too. You may not:

  • Send Spam. Spam can be in the form of bulk emails or one-to-one commercial emails.
  • You must be able to point to an opt-in form or show other evidence of consent for any commercial or marketing email you send.
  • Include in your Campaigns, Websites, Ads, or account or sell in your Store any material that wasn’t created by you, provided for you to use, or that would violate anyone’s rights. That includes text, photos, graphics, and other content.
  • Use any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information on Beacons.ai or in any Campaigns created, managed, or sent using our Service.
  • Send marketing emails that do not contain a Beacons.ai unsubscribe mechanism or send emails that use an external unsubscribe process.
  • Set up multiple accounts for any person or entity in order to send similar content, unless you’re part of a franchise or agency.
  • Import or incorporate any of the following information into any account, audience, emails, or otherwise upload to our servers: Social Security numbers, passwords, security credentials, or sensitive personal information regulated by applicable law.
  • Send campaigns that will be delivered to recipients as text, SMS, or MMS messages unless using a feature designed for that purpose.
  • Upload or send email campaigns to purchased, rented, third-party, co-reg, publicly available data, or partner lists of any kind.
  • Send or forward personal mail.
  • Send content created in Beacons.ai through another service.
  • Host images on our servers for any purpose other than for your use.
  • Host content on our servers for any purpose other than for your use.
  • Send bulk emails, meaning emails directed to a number of individuals with the same content, through transactional features.
  • Send bulk emails, meaning commercial or marketing emails directed to a number of individuals with the same content, through personal messaging features.
  • Sell or offer to sell any counterfeit products or products that infringe the intellectual property rights of others, including trademark, copyright, design, or patent rights.

Best Practices

As a marketing platform with millions of customers all over the world, we feel it’s our responsibility to be extra vigilant in preventing abuse of our services to protect both our customers and their contacts. It’s also in our best interest to keep the platform clean because our reputation and deliverability depend on it. For that reason, we provide, and may update from time to time, articles outlining best practices in our knowledge base. For example, we offer guidelines about audience permission and best practices. You may only use Beacons.ai in accordance with these best practices, and we may suspend or terminate your account if you violate them.

Reporting Violations

If you need to report abuse of our platform, please email [email protected]. We take all reports of abuse seriously and will investigate thoroughly. Alternatively, if you believe content that belongs to you is being used through our platform without your permission or Beacons.ai users are selling counterfeit or infringing products, please email [email protected]


In order to support our efforts to provide a safe and positive platform, Beacons.ai uses a combination of automated and human detection review processes to ensure that our users are complying with our Standard Terms and Conditions and this Acceptable Use Policy. We review account behavior and content that our users create, send, and publish on Beacons.ai, including campaigns and websites. This includes the use of automated, dynamic vetting and scoring analysis tools to identify and take action, as well as human review to supplement our automated abuse prevention. This gives our approach an effective combination of quality and efficiency.

When issues do arise, we take swift and appropriate action to address them. If we receive an abuse complaint, we investigate immediately and will suspend the account if the campaign or user account looks suspicious in any way. If our moderators decide to remove content, or suspend or terminate the user’s account, we will notify the user and explain how to contact us. Our moderators will thoughtfully consider any explanations and supplemental information provided by the users when deciding whether to take action or reinstate access.

Email Marketing Policy

Affirmative Consent Requirements

Except for transactional emails, you must obtain affirmative consent before sending any emails through Beacons.ai. This consent must be freely given by each recipient, informed, and unambiguous. Recipients must have the choice to provide or withhold consent, be informed of the sender's identity, the use of their email address, and the email content, and be able to withdraw consent at any time.

Sender Identification Requirements

Each email sent through Beacons.ai must clearly identify and accurately represent the sender. The subject line should be clear and non-deceptive, accurately reflecting the email's content and purpose.

Revocation of Affirmative Consent Requirements

Recipients must have the ability to revoke their consent at any time. You must honor all withdrawal requests promptly. Provisions for unsubscribe requests, physical mailing addresses, and privacy policy links must be included in non-transactional emails.

Prohibited Content and Actions

Certain content is prohibited from being sent through Beacons.ai, including pornography, escort services, unapproved health claims, and fraudulent or misleading content. You are prohibited from engaging in certain actions when using Beacons.ai, including sending unsolicited emails, using third-party email addresses without consent, and evading spam filters. More information on this in our Acceptable Usage Policy.

Deliverability and Performance Risks

Certain email practices may result in deliverability issues or negatively impact our service's performance, which may constitute a violation of our policy. This includes excessive complaints from recipients or block listings.

By using our email services, you agree to adhere to these policies. Failure to comply may result in account suspension or termination. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact our support team.

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Things you cant sell on Beacons.ai

While Beacons accommodates a wide range of products for sale, we occasionally need to remove items from our platform. We advise all new creators to review this list to ensure compliance with our policies.

In general, we do not allow resale; you cannot sell products you did not create. You can act as an affiliate for other creators on Beacons, but you cannot sell products that aren't your own creation.

We strictly prohibit any content or activity that promotes discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age. This includes content distributed via our email services or included in products sold on Beacons.

For clarity, here are some examples of prohibited actions:

  • Threatening specific individuals
  • Inciting violence against individuals, places, or groups
  • Sharing private information about individuals without their consent

High-risk products

Certain product types, as identified by our payment and regulatory partners, are not permitted on Beacons due to a higher risk of fraud and chargebacks.

Please refer to our Prohibited Products and Activities list for a comprehensive overview of items prohibited for sale on Beacons. Common examples include:

  1. Unlicensed proprietary content
  2. Bail bonds
  3. NSFW or sexually explicit content (inclusive but not limited to adult literature or videos, adult phone calls or audio, subscriptions to adult websites or materials, escort or companion services, dating platforms, mail-order brides, massage establishments, and prostitution, as well as any content portraying characters as minors or suggesting their involvement in sexual or sensual activities)
  4. Counterfeit goods/Replicas
  5. “Get Rich Quick” schemes
  6. Drug paraphernalia
  7. Gambling (including legal gambling, lotteries, illegal gambling, internet gambling, sports forecasting and odds making)
  8. Gift cards or financial instruments (e.g., website or forum "tokens")
  9. Illegal products or services
  10. Multi-level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes
  11. Deceptive marketing practices
  12. Reselling private label rights products
  13. Telemarketing
  14. Weapons or ammunition
  15. Dropshipping-related products
  16. Reselling proprietary products, such as ebooks, courses, prompts, notion planners, templates, video clips, etc.
  17. Reselling previously purchased software, such as Windows 10 license keys

By using our digital store feature, you agree to adhere to these policies. Failure to comply may result in account suspension or termination. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact our support team.

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