Beacons Creator Spotlights are a new interview series focused on ambitious creators and the paths they carve, so other creators can learn and grow on their own paths.
This week, we spoke with Gabrielle Judge, a creator making content about tech, money, and the future of work. Gabrielle recently made content creation her full-time career after building it as a side hustle for years and launched a new brand this year.
Here’s what she wishes she knew a few years ago, and her most important habits for reaching her creator goals.

How did you get started as a creator?
In early 2021, I started talking about my tech job I had at that time and sooo many questions arose in my comments. I noticed there was potential to teach people about the misunderstandings in the tech industry like non technical roles available, the culture, and how to break into the industry.
I had an idea to launch a 1 to 1 coaching service to get non-traditional job seekers into their first tech job. TikTok for Small Business featured my services and I got to share the importance of career and financial literacy. In 2022 I shifted and started discussing future of work concepts like “quiet quitting” and “over employment” which landed me on 20 plus articles including NY Times, Bloomberg, Distractify, and more.
What’s something not many people know about you?
I am a certified hot yoga teacher and the glasses are for real, I have horrible vision.
What has been the “special sauce” for your growth as a creator?
Lots of things have been the “special sauce”! I talk about really crazy work concepts that a lot of tech creators feel pressure not to talk about due to the potential backlash in their career. I think that sets me apart on TikTok.
Instead of going for the shock value of a headline, I try to I bring a thoughtful lens to my videos and show real life examples that my community can relate to. I also am an investor, creator, a “momager” for my dog’s UGC business, retired tech employee, start up founder, and advisor—there are a lot of different topics that I can speak authentically about.
What do you wish you had known when you started out as a creator?
You don’t have to listen to everyone’s feedback! I definitely regret the things I didn’t pursue early on because I said “no” to myself due to others’ opinions.
As I enter my 3rd year of content creating I am learning more and more that feedback is a jacket I get to try on. And at the same time, I don’t have to please everyone that watches my content. There is something really beautiful and empowering when I step into the belief every day.
As I enter my 3rd year of content creating I am learning more and more that feedback is a jacket I get to try on.
My goal is that everyone gets to see my content. At the same time, it’s also delusional to expect every person who sees my content to be 100% on board with everything I am saying. I get some really raw comments being a TikTok creator, and a young woman, talking about some of the topics I discuss. People have a range of valid personal beliefs about work and how money should be made and I like to push my viewers’ beliefs around work and money.
Overall I am grateful for it all. Balancing an openness to feedback and discernment has helped me stay a mentally-sound creator long term.
What’s your biggest piece of tactical advice for people who want to focus more on turning their creator work into a full time job?
Don’t wait on a special award to feel confident about your message as a creator!
Even if you waited on your wildest dream to come true and it did, it’s likely you would still feel imposter syndrome because you are relying on external factors to validate you. You showing up and speaking authentically is the special sauce you posses.
Relationships are also key. I always make sure I am expanding my network with other creators and start up founders because lifting each other is key and every opportunity is attached to a person.
Another tip is to get really comfortable pitching yourself to brands and hearing a “no,” or worse….. hearing nothing as a response.
When pitching to brands, I maintain a media kit with Beacons to showcase my value to brands. Maintaining an analytical approach to my partnerships has improved my negotiation with my talent management.

My stats are updated regularly which makes it simple to distribute to brands and keep linked in my email signature. I can also highlight previous work to showcase the past projects I am most proud of. This is especially helpful when working with potential partners to refer to the past projects and video concepts that work best with my audience and content style.
Right now, what are you most excited about?
Content creation has an unlimited potential! Whether your goal is to create great relationships with brands, start a business, develop a personal brand, etc… I definitely encourage everyone to start making content today if that interests you.
You definitely don’t need millions of followers to be taken seriously as a monetized creator anymore! Micro influencers and TikTok creators are becoming more interesting for brand collaborations than before.
I also love how many ways there are to create a win-win with brand collabs, whether it be UGC, sponsored posts, social media management, and so much more. Digital marketing and content creation is a super hot topic right now and I love how many freelancing options I have as a monetized creator.

What are your most important habits right now for your creator work?
For my career’s longevity, my mental health and social battery are heavily prioritized as a creator. If I am burnt out, I don’t have a doppelgänger to pick up the slack.
For my career’s longevity, my mental health and social battery are heavily prioritized as a creator. If I am burnt out, I don’t have a doppelgänger to pick up the slack.
I have a lot of tools in the tool belt and practice a ton of self awareness to understand my needs and boundaries. I am also so grateful for the relationships I have with other rockstar creators who support me during the good times. the bad, and everything in between.

What project are you most proud of?
I launched my brand, Anti Work Girlboss, this January and the response has been overwhelming! Anti Work Girlboss is a media company that debunks tech careers, money, and the future of work. So far it has landed some partnerships in the finance and reality TV show space that I am super excited about this summer.
We also launched our Lazy Girl Job Program which teaches our community how to get a better jobs with ChatGPT, “anti” affirmation cards, other digital resources to upgrade your career. We have so many more fun products in the works for this year.

How did you learn about how to grow as a creator?
I learn by observing other creators I look up to and implementing my own takeaway from them. I work best by declaring a very specific goal and reverse engineering in a step by step process.
I work best by declaring a very specific goal and reverse engineering in a step by step process.